Saturday, February 9, 2013

Just Can’t get Rest

American’s spend around $700 Billion a year on entertainment & recreation & leisure.
I hear more and more people talking about the need to “get away”, “get some rest” Motel 6 ad from 20 years ago – We’ll leave the light on for you.

While the world looks for rest, Jesus is the only one who can give it you. “There remains therefore a rest for the people of God…Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest” Hebrews 4:9, 11. There is only one thing that keep you from the rest – unbelief.

You will find that rest is an art, and a practice of life. Let’s go back in order to go forward. Exodus 33: 12-14

Then Moses said to the LORD, “See, You say to me, ‘Bring up this people.’ But You have not let me know whom You will send with me. Yet You have said, ‘I know you by name, and you have also found grace in My sight.’ Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people.”  And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Moses has now come out of Egypt with a little over 2 million people. He asked the Lord two important questions. Who is going to go with me to this promised land you have picked out? And which way do I go? By now, this well trained shepherd leader, is sure he needs to select the right path to get to the right place. God answers, “Who is going? I AM!” and “Which way? I will give you rest!” In other words, since I AM going that’s really all you to need to know.

This word from God the Father reminds me of something God the Son – Jesus said to us. Matthew 11: 28 He said “…I will give you rest.” Good news huh? You bet it is good news. But let’s not build our whole theology on just this little portion of Scripture. Back it up and let’s look at the whole selection to understand this active practice of rest.

There are four words in this section we must obey. Come, Take, Learn, and Find are big deals in the rest department. Matthew 11: 28-30 – 

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Come to Me is the perfect way to see salvation. We trust Jesus alone for our salvation and he gives us rest from our sins. Now comes the challenge because Jesus says Take my yoke. Let’s own this one – many of us city folk have no idea what Jesus is imagining here. There’s the first challenge, but the challenge intensifies as we discover He is serious.

My best idea for you is to tell you a short story of an ox calf. One day a little calf watches as his mom is placed in a yoke – a sturdy wooden bar fitted across the neck of an animal in order to plow or pull. While mom is pulling the ox is playing. But mom is there to nurture, nourish, and satisfy the thirst of the young calf. The calf has no ropes, no load, no heavy weight; just attached to mom through need.

The happy day arrives when the ox is too big to play and ready to pull; happy for the farmer not the ox. The ox has to submit its neck to the yoke, bending in humility in an act that goes against all the freedom now known and enjoyed.  Refusing to bow the neck ox is prodded by farmer (a nice word for hit with a stick).  Eventually, through breaking the ox wears the heavy weight of the yoke.

Can you see yourself yet in the story? I sure can see me. We enjoy the freedom and no cares of the early days of Christianity. We begin to grow and are introduced to the fact that all followers of Jesus are to serve. We are saved to serve him. We must humble ourselves and take the yoke.

Now we begin to learn something of Him. You see this yoke is His yoke. Well, getting back to the story may help here. When ox takes the yoke he is not by himself. There is an older more experienced ox that he is yoked too. This yoke is actually the leader’s yoke. He knows the ropes, the pathways, the process of the work. He will teach young ox all he needs to know about life in a yoke.

Do you see it yet? It is Jesus’ yoke. We are to take it – that means surrender, submitting, and serving. But so many of us want to go our own way and do our own thing. We want to come up with our own plan for serving the Lord that fits into our frame work and neat little packages. We wish to make our own yoke, but Jesus has called us to take his.

The flesh always wants to go its own way. We just don’t feel like it; or its way to hard and our hearts not in it. Danger with those emotions is that are to close to the flesh to produce the righteousness Jesus desires in our life. They actually lead us to more bondage in the long run. Amazingly, as we learn more of Him and from Him then the promise of the Lord for rest begins to come true in our daily lives.

You will FIND rest in him. Some of you are restless, aimless, and directionless. All because you came to him but now you won’t take his yoke and learn from him. Here’s what I will find when I submit to his yoke- His yoke is easy. “Easy” means “fit for service and able to be used”. This means it is good, virtuous, mild, and pleasant.

You see the greatest joy of the yoke of Christ is fellowship with Christ. AS we are yoked with Him then we discover that he does the pulling; because He has POWER, He has PEACE, and He has a PLAN. My part is to make myself available and then rest.   

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Missing Walk


Frustration point: “let your Christian walk match up with you Christian Talk” How do you do this? Some of us get determined to do this. Determination becomes dedication; but dedication gets distracted, and distractions lead to disappointments. Then disappointments lead to disillusionment which leads to defeat.
Why? Our walk does not come from emotion, but encouragement. And encouragement always comes with an explanation.


1. Lowliness – Ephesians 4:1-3; 4:17-20
I am to walk worthy – negative side in 17-20…not like the world
2. Loveliness – Ephesians 5:1-3  
I am to walk in love
3. Light – Ephesians 5:8
(these three build up – Lowliness is the inward look; Loveliness is the upward look; and light is the outshine of both working in our lives)
4. Leadings – Ephesians 5:15-17, 18
I am to walk circumspectly – wise & confident in the will of God – His will? V 18…ever filled and stimulated with the Spirit. (AMP)
Not just a crises experience – but a daily experience

Here is the missing walk – 18
(only place in Scripture we are commanded to be filled with the Spirit – look what’s next in the Bible: practical outgrowth of the filling – not tongues, not charismatic expression, not emotionalism: the proof and purpose is human relationships: husband/wife; parent/child; management/labor.)

1. MEANING – if I don’t know what it means I cannot obey
Not me having more of the Spirit – it is the Spirit having more of me!
(Belief and growth pattern: say of a child of 8…gives heart to Christ! Heart is the human personality! The personality (heart) at 12, 16, 30 is much larger in scope than at 8 – more experience, capacity for living is greater, wider and deeper and more challenging) You don’t need to be saved again, however you do need to yield those areas of life to the Lord.
(growth of a teen to adult – new appetites, desires, ambitions, friends – all need to be yielded to Christ) struggle some think well I just won’t have any fun!
Jesus never takes away anything that is good for us! Always adds to the personality!

2. METHOD – being filled with the Spirit is allowing Christ to move into all the areas and reaches of life.
{story of the deacon – I am a 35 year old medical doctor. I now realize what is wrong with my life. I trusted Christ when I was 11. Now at 35 I am trying to serve the Lord with the dedication of an 11 year old. No wonder my Christian life is unbalanced and out of focus”}

What I yield to Him, He takes; what He takes, He cleanses; What He cleanses, He fills; What He fills, He controls and uses.

Simple but challenging – look at Luke 9:23-25
This is following the Lord – taking up the cross daily. Not putting up with life’s problems – not your mother-in-law!! Cross is designed for one thing, die on it.
Daily dying to self – the uncontrolled, unsatisfied personality and passions
My job is yield those areas to him –
He will take, cleanse, fill, control, and use!

Some of us have been serious in our past and often prayed for the Lord to use us. But then didn’t have the prayed answered and did not get used. Can you see now why the Lord does not use you?
He uses what he controls; he controls what he cleans; he cleans what he takes; he takes what we yield.

If you haven’t yielded your life to him, then he can’t fully use you in his service – 2 Corinthians 4:11