Sunday, April 15, 2012

Danger of Dryness

A few weeks ago I built a message on the problem with worms. When I finished teaching that lesson about spiritual battles and the enemy the Lord opened my eyes to several other areas that are very similar. So many people seemed to make a connection with the ay that was related. So, here's another attempt in helping us understand a serious need in our life. 
That need is to stay fresh with our relationship with Jesus. We have way to many people that claim to be followers of the Lord and yet live their lives with a dryness. They are dry because they are dehydrated spiritually. 
We need a revival in the church. A fresh touch from the Lord. We see the conditions in our world and unfortunately we have no behavioral difference in the house of God. Let's admit it - we are are dry. 

I know that some will read these words and find that I've not gone far enough with my connections and applications. True, I didn't do a lot of research on the physical issue of dryness. I did do a little and just simply want to give you a challenge to consider. 
We are dry and need to get a cool refreshing drink. Physically we must have water. And spiritually we must have the Word of God - this is our spiritual drink. 

Luke 23: 31 For if men do these things when the tree is green,
what will happen when it is dry?
Danger of dryness
·         By the time you are thirsty you are already dehydrated
 (When you become thirsty for the things of God it is way. You are spiritually dehydrated when you have not continued to drink deep from his Word. Jesus reminds us that those who thirst must come to him.)
·         You can begin to forget that you need to drink water
(When you get dehydrated you can create a habit that says that you can handle things in your daily life without the help of Jesus. Truth is that we must have Jesus in every area of our lives.) 
·         You can begin to think other things can quench your thirst 
(Nothing substitutes for personal study of the Word of God.  To many people are satisfied with a devotional or hearing what someone heard from God. When God invited Moses up on the mountain to hear his law He also invited the people of Israel. However, they begged Moses to go and just tell them what God said. We still have people today that would rather hear from the Man who heard from God when they can go themselves and hear from God.)
·         Creates confusion, weakness, and poor decisions 
(Spiritual confusion is a serious problem. This leads to weakness in our life opening us to the attacks of the enemy.) 

Luke 23: 31 For if men do these things when the tree is green,
what will happen when it is dry?

Ezekiel 37: 3 He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
I said, “O Sovereign LORD, you alone know.”

What to do when you find that you are dry spiritually
You must stay hydrated to stay healthy
·         Drink enough water (I found a calculation web page that said at my weight I needed to consume 4.5 liters of water a day) How much of the word of God should you consume a day? Ezekiel 37: 4b  ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD!
·         Get plenty of exercise (practice your faith through prayer, trust, availability) Ezekiel 37: 7 So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone.
·         Get plenty of rest (to me this is a picture of the spirit filled life – when we are so fully resting in the Lord that He has begun to live through our lives) Ezekiel 37: 14 I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the LORD have spoken, and I have done it, declares the LORD.’

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