Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Missing Note

John 10:1-18.

(Guest Blogger Minister Jowett welcome to our page!) 
"THE Good Shepherd knows His sheep, and knows them by name. And that is what I am tempted to forget. I think of myself as one of an innumerable multitude, no one of whom receives personal attention. “My way is overlooked by my God.” But here is the evangel—the Savior would miss me, even me!

At a great orchestral rehearsal, which Sir Michael Costa was conducting, the man who played the piccolo stayed his fingers for a moment, thinking that his trifling contribution would never be missed. At once Sir Michael raised his hand, and said: “Stop! Where’s the piccolo?” He missed the individual note. And my Lord needs the note of my life to make the music of His Kingdom, and if the note be absent He will miss it, and the glorious music will be broken and incomplete.

There is a common vice of self-conceit, but there is also a common vice of excessive self-depreciation. “My Lord can do nothing with me!” Yes, my Lord knows thee and needs thee! And by the power of His grace thou canst accomplish wonders.

John H Jowett, 1864-1923 English Congregational Minister

Monday, January 13, 2014

How to Pray for Loved Ones

Colossians 1: 9-12
Pray six specific requests for your loved ones:  

One of the most important things is for someone to Know God’s will for their life. Col 1:For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. You can pray for them to know God’s will clearly and with complete understanding.

Knowing what the will of God is only a small part of the process. Now we know the will we must be willing to do the will of God. You can pray for them to be open and willing to alter whatever must be changed in order to be obedient to God’s will. This can be difficult step especially when we have to change our behavior.  Col 1: 10 that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him…

Colossians 1:10 …being fruitful in every good work… You can pray for them to become effective with will of God in their lives that leads to producing fruit for the kingdom of God. You want your loved one to practice those things that are valuable. So, pray for them to excel in exercises that produce fruit. Presenting the gospel to the lost and ministering to other followers of Christ are two great areas to produce fruit.

and increasing in the knowledge of God…Colossians 1:10. You can pray for a fresh and growing relationship with God.  A growing relationship with God is essential. We are created to have fellowship and relationship with Him.

Colossians 1: 11 strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power … You can pray for them to experience the power of God in and through their lives. Without the power source of Jesus we will not be very effective.

Colossians 1: 11-12 joy giving thanks to the Father… You can pray for them to possess the right attitude. That is an attitude that is contagious, exciting, embracing all that they are to become all that God desires them to become.  

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Prayer Goals - Our Friends need bridges Jesus

Our Goal is to pray for the Lost to come to know the Lord. Here’s a great example of how to do this effectively - Dr. Newman

During their final year of schooling, Ralph Davis, home director of the Africa Inland Mission (AIM), spoke at the annual missionary conference. Both Peter and Edythe separately searched their hearts and decided independently to apply to the Africa Inland Mission. Both were accepted. They planned to sail soon after marriage in 1939, but World War II broke out and their journey was postponed for six months.

During their first years in Africa, Peter and Edythe moved five times. Finally they were assigned to the work at Adi, and they expressed to their field director the hope that they would not be moved again. Their field director told them that they could stay in Adi if they mastered the local language. Fortunately, Peter had an unusual ability with languages, and he learned to speak fluently in five languages.

In spite of the field director’s promise to leave the Brashlers in Adi, only two years later they were asked to move to Blukwa and take charge of a Bible school. That ministry was theirs for the next 12 years. While teaching Systematic Theology, Peter Brashler found that much of the African folklore, passed on from one generation to the next, closely resembled ancient historical accounts in the Bible. He encouraged his students to use them as a bridge in explaining the gospel in the context of the various African cultures.

Pray for today’s missionaries to learn how to use the local cultures as bridges to the gospel message.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pray for God’s molding in my life

Today Father I seek your hand upon my life through the pathway of your Word. Acknowledging that The Lord Jesus is your Son and holds all your delight I place myself at His complete disposal. You have given to Him the nations as His inheritance. As a member of the nations I seek to be ever His inheritance in this year and His full cooperating possession. I seek to be dominated by His presence, give myself to be completely controlled by His Spirit, and available for His pleasure. In this I ask for you to break me. Breaking my stubborn pride and breaking my will and my spirit for His will and Spirit. If necessary shatter me on the pedestal of the potter and rework in me those ideas, desires, goals, and drives that will be of the most benefit to you and your kingdom.  I choose not the great things and impressive things, as the world sees them, I choose instead to be settled as your servant, to be comfortable in the smallest task that will bring you glory. Lord, mold my life to be the life you will have the greatest pleasure and the strongest influence upon. Allow me to see myself as you see me and to hold as dear in life what you hold dear.
In Jesus Name – Amen

Psalm 2: 2-9

7 ​​“I will declare the decree: ​​The LORD has said to Me, ​‘​You are My Son, ​​Today I have begotten You. 8 ​​Ask of Me, and I will give You ​​The nations for Your inheritance, ​​And the ends of the earth for Your  possession. 9 ​​You shall break them with a rod of iron; ​​You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’