Monday, October 19, 2009


Psalm 19.14

I’m not sure that it is even a word. Sure there are expectations. There are even anticipations in the vocabulary. The cool thing is that the computer spell check did not toss the word, but come on it’s a computer! So is it a word? Is acceptation a word?

If it is not a word it is a reality. Acceptation is a personal word because it deals with those things that are acceptable. It is a physical word and a philosophical word too. It deals with those areas of our spoken words and our inward thoughts.

Do you ever stop and think about what you’re thinking? Is your thinking moving you closer to the Lord or further away? In other words does your mind meditate on those things that build toward faith in God? Or is your meditations filled with fantasy and fancy never materializing into what is honorable to the Lord?

We need from time to time to examine well our thoughts. Consider, if you will, that your thoughts today will generate toward actions tomorrow. You thoughts can impact your words which will impact your steps.

The Psalmist took stock of his thoughts and words. He lifted them to the Father to seek after His acceptations. Listen to his examination: Let the words of my mouth and the mediations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

When it is all said and done the one with the acceptations is the Lord Jehovah. Take some time today to think about what you are thinking and consider what rolls off your tongue. Bless the Lord with all you think and all you say all day.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

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