Thursday, February 11, 2010

Where you going?

Where are you going? This is the question that leaders help people wrestle with. It happened in the life of Israel - Moses at the border of new territory proceeded to give a challenge to the people. It may be a challenge for us today as well.

"Choose to love the Lord your God and to obey Him and commit yourself to him, for He is your life. Then you will live long in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob." Deuteronomy 30.20

Where are you going? Are you going into new territory? Are you heading into uncertainty? Are you living in enemy territory? No matter - make a choice. It is up to you to decide. Choose to love the Lord God, obey him and make a commitment of your life. He will provide. He will protect. He will bless you.

I close with this prayer:
My Father, You are the Lord my God. I desire to love you, listen to your voice, and hold fast to you, for you, Lord, are my life. I have made my choice. Amen!

Always Enthusiastic,
Rusty Newman

Thursday, February 4, 2010


This is what the Lord says: Do not be afriad! don't be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God's. 2 Chronicles 20.15 NLT

It is so difficult to not be afriad. Sometimes, we can only see the enemy and the obstacles. We seem to know the difficulties and the challenges more than anyone else.
We ask ourselves: Do I have enough for the struggle? You know "enough" - desire, tenacity, drive, determination, resources, commitment, skill, friends, knowledge, leadership... Do I really have enough?

In the spiritual realm do I have "ENOUGH" - faith, prayer, anointing, favor... Or even "enough" healing from past wounds...

I'm wrestling with all these issues in attempting to overcome fear. I think all of us are too. All this is minor if you keep the FACT that this battle is not your battle but God's.

Listen up - Hear this loud and clear - the ALMIGHTY One, The One and Only God says - He speaks to you (powerful huh?) "I've got this one! don't be scared you have enough cause you have ME. Discouragement can run away because encouragement is flooding from within - in the place that I reign! relax, no FEAR! I've got this - watch and see!

So through this day keep in mind these letters - BTL. You can share them - BTL. You can remember them - BTL. You can even say them - BTL.

Battle is The Lord's!

Always Enthusiastic,