Thursday, February 11, 2010

Where you going?

Where are you going? This is the question that leaders help people wrestle with. It happened in the life of Israel - Moses at the border of new territory proceeded to give a challenge to the people. It may be a challenge for us today as well.

"Choose to love the Lord your God and to obey Him and commit yourself to him, for He is your life. Then you will live long in the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob." Deuteronomy 30.20

Where are you going? Are you going into new territory? Are you heading into uncertainty? Are you living in enemy territory? No matter - make a choice. It is up to you to decide. Choose to love the Lord God, obey him and make a commitment of your life. He will provide. He will protect. He will bless you.

I close with this prayer:
My Father, You are the Lord my God. I desire to love you, listen to your voice, and hold fast to you, for you, Lord, are my life. I have made my choice. Amen!

Always Enthusiastic,
Rusty Newman

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