Friday, March 5, 2010


Have you ever heard the story about the princess and the frog? Sure you know the one. This princess is enjoying her golden ball when unexpectedly it drops into a stream. The ball is rescued by a frog. Short version princess kisses frog and frog becomes a prince.

This story is originally a German tale by the master story weavers the Brothers Grimm; it's called The Frog King. In the original version instead of a kiss the princess gets very irritated at all the questions of the frog and violently throws it against a wall. SPLAT - Instant Prince!
Encounter the wall and encounter the truth.

We spend a great deal of time hoping to be "kissed" by a Royal and rescued from toad-ness. Honestly, Toad-ness is a trap. Its a curse placed on us that we cannot escape on our own. no way of escape, purchase of escape, or earning through goodness.

Toad-ness becomes a way of life. Sure something inside of us cries out that we must be more than all this-royalty even. But we appear to be stuck this way - slimy, green, and longing for flies.

Toad-ness, after a while, becomes familiar and comfortable. It even starts to feel normal. The apostle Paul even felt this way - he claimed, in so many words, that he was the ugliest toad of all - 1 Timothy 1:15 Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-of whom I am the worst.

The Frog King was released because of the kindness (albeit begrudgingly given) of the Princess on three nights - what was the kindness she gave? In a word, GRACE.

Grace is the KISS that releases us! Look at the grace-kiss: Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.... The passionate kiss of grace is Jesus Christ...encounter the wall - encounter the truth!

The only way our toad-ness can be changed is through Jesus!

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

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