Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hope in Sorrows

Do you ever have sorrow? I don’t mean – “I’m sorry I ate one more piece of pizza.” Or “I’m sorry I ran that red light – Officer!” Real sorrow something you feel deep in your soul. It can sneak up on you, but the worst kind of sorrow is that kind you can see coming from miles away. In times of sorrow we are real good at offering a biblical prayer from Psalm 69.1 “Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck.”

I have encouragement for you. In fact, there is a truth from Psalm 69 I wish I could implant in your mind so that in no way it would ever be removed. Hear this loud and clear:

The Lord hears the needy
and does not despise his captive people
(Psalm 69:33)

Here’s a fact of life. In our world there is always a lot of pain and evil. It is simply the way it is like. Let’s take this fact up a notch; God does not always remove the pain or troubling times. Jesus, in the garden of Gethsemane, prayed with a great deal of agony asking that the cup he was about to drink might be taken from him. He saw the sorrow coming and God did not remove it from him. Jesus had to go through the sorrow.

God did hear his prayer and did not despise his agony. Instead He strengthened Jesus so that he could endure to expire for the Glory of God. You can not inspire until you have expired.

Be assured that this will be the case with you also. Whatever cross you are given tell God about it and know that he will hear your prayers and come to strengthen you. You will certainly praise him for it one day. Because you expire you just might inspire someone else for the Glory of God.

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