Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Rock of Blessing

Psalm 31:3 …you are my rock and my fortress.

Before he was the King of Israel, David sought the wisdom and protection of the cliffs, crags, crevasses. On the plains his small band of ill equipped and outnumbered men were no match for King Saul’s mighty Israeli battalions. But on the rocks, in the hills, his small band was not only safe they experienced the blessings of victory. No doubt that with every experience of safety David with this awesome heart of a worshipper saw the immediate parallel to his true “Rock of Refuge” – Jehovah!

David sings two things about His Rock Refuge God that have been described by some, weak in faith – dim witted, as illogical. He sings that God is his rock and yet asks God to be his rock. Listen to the song –

Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue;
be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.
Since you are my rock and my fortress,
for the sake of your name lead and guide me.

Low faith and no understanding of faith ask, “How, can Jehovah be and yet be asked to be a refuge at the same time?”

How much we just don’t know?! Charles Spurgeon understood that this a logic not of words but of the worshipping heart. He wrote that this teaches us to ask God that we may, “enjoy in experience what we grasp by faith.” We know by faith that Jehovah is many things, because the Bible tells us. Hearing who Jehovah is in truth and theory is much different than proving God to be those things by personal experience.

Do you believe that Jehovah is all powerful? Of course you do. Then you should pray that He prove himself strong in your weakness. Do you believe that Jehovah is wise? Then ask him to show his wisdom in ordering your life. In the very same prayer you can ask Him to be to you loving and gracious and merciful and everything else that the Bible tells us he is.

The Prayer that opens the door for blessed experience is patterned this way – “You are______________ then BE ___________________.”

Learn this, Live this, and you will step into the Rock of Refuge and discover He is a strong fortress to save.

Always Enthusiastic,
Rusty Newman

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