Monday, January 16, 2012

The Message of the Dog Food

It all started with the dog. We have a cute little pug that loves to sleep, play, and apparently eat. Yes, that little “Rascal” enjoys his dog food. The amazing thing to me is how much that 15 pound pug can put away in a day. And by now you have figured it out – he was out of food.
My task was simple. I was to go to the store and buy a small bag of dog food. While on the isle of canine cuisine and feline feast the search was on for the right bag. With a small bag in my buggy and a smile on my face I rounded the corner and discovered a deal. In fact, this was a sale that I could not resist. The discovery caused me to replace the small bag on the shelf.  I think you will agree I got a great deal. I discovered that for just two dollars more I could more than double the quantity of food.  Yes sir, I exchanged 10 pounds of kibble for 45 pounds of chunks.  
So happy with my economic savvy I heaved the bag from the truck and carried it into the house. As the slick bag began to slide I kept it from slamming into the floor by propping it upon the sofa table. Saved from the fall and with my arms recovering I hoisted the bag up and moved it into the dark closet perfect for hiding away the doggie delights.
In the dark it began to happen. At first it was just a little, pop, pop, ping, and ping. Then as the bag shifted to the floor the avalanche flowed. Ping, ping, ping, bop, and bop went the chunks of cereal on the hardwood floors. Oh yeah, the bag had torn and was freely flowing the contents on the floor.  I could only laugh. Apparently my little pug laughed too, because he sure seemed to smile as he snacked.
 It was then that the message of the busted bag hit me. Contained in the bag was something that wished to escape and once out it flowed freely and lavishly on the floor. This reminded me of the love of God. God loves us all so much. We carry around his love every day. And every day he wishes to lavish us with his love.
He wants to pour his love on you. He really wants to drown you in his tidal wave of passion. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:17-19).
Take a second to consider the words of modern day hymn writer David Crowder: How He Loves Me -
He is jealous for me Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy When all of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory And I realize just how beautiful You are And how great Your affections are for me
And O how He loves us - Oh, O how He loves us - How He loves us all
Yeah He loves us - O how He loves us - O how He loves us -O how He loves
Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

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