Every church in her life cycle
will see an open door of ministry from the Lord. Unfortunately not every church
will go through that door. Many times she will attempt to kick open another
door based on the myths and methods of the past. We must learn to recognize the
doors that the Lord opens and respond to his calling upon our lives.
I see a door being to open for our
True North Church. God called me to plant this church 10 years ago. For some of
you that may surprise you that it was 10 years ago. Especially considering that
we started from scratch just over 2 years ago. The Lord took my on a long
journey of discovery before he opened the door. The calling was there 10 years
ago but the door was not opened yet. Now we stand in a day that TNC has an incredible
door opening to us.
Allow me to take you on a journey of the open door. To the angel of the church in Philadelphia
These are the words
of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one
can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. Revelation 3:7
First, we need to see
The Irreversible Power of the Open Door. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that
no one can shut. (3.8)
Here are two amazing facts:
one can open the door except for Jesus
Too many times we bang our heads
on a door trying to force it open. We waste energy, time, and money attempting to
copy someone else’s open door. When all along all we need do is look and wait
for Him to open the door he chooses. Friends, He is the only one that can open
the door for your ministry and your life. But that’s why we need his power
that he promises. I love this promise in Acts 1:8 “…you will receive power…”
You will only be the person
that God created you to be when you receive the power that He has created for
you to have.
one can close the door Jesus opens
He can and will close doors. There
are some doors that must be closed for us to be of the greatest impact for his
kingdom. This is why we need his protection that he provides. It is
written about in Luke 10.17-20. The disciples are returning from open door
missions amazed at the power they experience. Jesus let them in on a secret. He
saw the enemy try to take them down and he stood up for them. We need his protection
to close doors today.
We have such emotional baggage we
carry. We do not have to live in the garbage heap of regret, or in the sewer of
despair, or even in the emotional manure of generational hurts, hang-ups, and
pain. Let Him take all this and heal. Let Him close these doors. He is the
master of using imperfect people to accomplish amazing adventures.
Next, we must see The
Incredible Opportunity of the Open Door. …I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and
have not denied my name. (3.8)
Philadelphia was established as a mission city for
disseminating Greco-Asiatic culture and language in the eastern part of Lydia
and in Phyrgia. The Greeks mastered the concept of amalgamation and seize the opportunity
that Philadelphia offered to them as a model of openness and outreach for their
We must seize every opportunity to impact our culture and
communities in the Christ-life we own. You have daily opportunities open to
make a transformational impact for Christ. Come on think about it even if you only have a little strength you can still make a huge impact for the Lord. It is not the size of the church that counts. It is size of our faith and availability to Him that matter. Are you taking advantage of the open doors? Are
actively praying for those doors in your life and the life of your church?
Listen to some of the thoughts of the Apostle Paul: 1 Corinthians 16.9 For a
great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.
2 Corinthians 2.12 Furthermore,
when I came to Troas to preach Christ’s gospel, and a door was opened to me by the Lord,
4 2Continue earnestly in prayer, being
vigilant in it with thanksgiving; 3meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of
Christ, for which I am also in chains, 4that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.
Finally we need to
see The Immense Adventure of the Open Door. I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be
Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at
your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. Since you have kept my command
to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going
to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth. (3.9-10)
We need adventure; this is what keeps us alive and vital. Men
this is what you craved and dreamt of as small boys. And we live that Adventure
through Jesus our Christ. This Christ life is not for sissies! Following Jesus
is a great adventure filled with peril, struggles, and even doubts. But follow
on for this journey leads to a life transformed through abundant living. We
must have adventure in our lives or we will shrivel, starve, and die.
We must have a challenge. What is a vision after all if not a challenge?
Is it not a challenge for us to become what God wants? Is it not for us to
become less of the flesh and become more of Him – filled more with Him and for
Him? This is abundant life my friends. He is with us through every storm and
through every struggle.
"It's a dangerous
business, Frodo, going out of your door," he {Bilbo} used to say.
"You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no
telling where you might be swept off to." This quote is from The Lord of the Rings. It reminds me
that my feet long for adventure. An adventure I will only know if I go through
the open door.