Mind over Matter
Romans 12:1-2
Someone has suggested that the battle field of the devil
is our minds. If he can influence our thoughts he can influence our actions.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world (Romans 12:2a)
Here’s just a glimpse of why we need renewal in the area
of our minds. It has to do with the attack on our minds in the area of conformity.
I know there is much more that can be said about conformity but I want to keep
this simple for now. Just consider three places the enemy is working to fight
renewal in our lives.
Guilt of
a past sin.
Keeps you from moving forward – You
Keeps you from Challenging the
Future – You are DEFEATED
Keeps you from connecting in
Fellowship – You stay ISOLATED
of an addiction that is not completely overcome
Silent & Secret addictions
are like a Boa constrictor around your body.
Let me hit the pause button here
a moment. If you are struggling in this area here are three powerful scriptures
to apply to your situation. Trust the word of God! Psalm 121:1-3; Romans
8:26-27; 2 Corinthians 12:9.
negative words that bring you doubt
Doubt about your faith – “Your faith must not be very strong!”
Doubt about your ability – “You can’t do that!”
But be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2b)
Discover the Power of the Word of God.
(Get the Word in you!)
Psalm 119: 33-40 Teach me, O LORD, to follow your decrees; then
I will keep them to the end. Give me understanding, and I will keep your law and
obey it with all my heart. Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I-
find delight. Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain. Turn
my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word. Fulfill your promise to your servant, so that you may be
feared. Take away the disgrace I dread, for your laws are good. How I long for
your precepts! Preserve my life in your righteousness.
Fill your mind with the Word of God.
Read the word, listen to the word, apply the word into your daily routines of
life. We have offered our bodies to the Lord as living sacrifices when we came
to him for salvation. This calls us to surrender every area of our lives to him
at all times. You need his Word!
6:17 Take the
helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Col 3:16 a Let the
word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and
admonish one another with all wisdom
Discover the
Power of Calling on God. (Get
the Word Thru You!)
Jeremiah 1.12 – “…I am
ready to perform my word.” “…I watch
over my word to accomplish it.” Holman
A.T. Pierson suggests three great lacks in prayer –
is a lack of proper words, proper thoughts and desires,
and proper
spirit and motive.
Fill your mouth with the Word of God. Learn to use the
Word of God in your prayer life. God honors his Word. He delights when we are
so filled with his word that it flows out to him through our prayers. This is
not a difficult task and certainly not some super spiritual way of talking.
This is simply filling up on His Word and allowing it to flow out to him in our
prayers. Find a Scripture, think about what it is saying, and then use it in
your prayers to the Lord.
Discover the
power of the Presence of God. (Power of the Positive)
Jeremiah 29:11-12 For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I
will listen to you.
Believe that God wants the best for your life. Trust that his plan for
you is the most awesome way to live. Stop, refuse, and cease reflecting on the
negatives, frowns, impossible. Lift your mind away from the old way of thinking
and let your mind focus on what could happen if God gets full control. Then surrender
your mind to him.
Remember this in Romans 8:31 What,
then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against
But, let’s be sure that we are living transformed so that God is indeed
for us!
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