Sunday, July 29, 2012

Renewing God's Purpose in your Life

Renewing God’s purpose in your life
Jeremiah 29:4-11

Our lives are not like all purpose flour! Purpose has to be renewed, refreshed, re-energized.
His purpose can be seasonal in your life. Therefore, we have to learn to adjust to his Plans for us.

Look at the background on Jeremiah 29:1-11 The people of God are in bondage in Babylon. They are there because of their willful disobedience to God. God could have killed them but chose to capture them instead. In that foreign land the people went through seasonal change. God showed them that for a season (70 years) they would be called to live his purposes in another place.

Refocus His purpose in our life
“Don’t let your past dictate who you are, but let it be part of who you will become.” Movie line from My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2002

Look at some of the Heroes in the Bible that experienced seasonal changes that required refocusing purpose in life.
Moses went from Prince to shepherd to liberator.
David went from shepherd to warrior to outlaw to king
Paul went from terrorist to convert to exile to teacher/missionary
That’s just biblical examples…

How about these:
Truett Cathy did not start Chik-Fil-A until he was 45. I noticed that the current boycott of their restaurant worked since there were no cars in the parking lot on Sunday!!
PT Barnum did not start and perfect the circus till he was 65. There is still hope for me to leave my lasting impression on this world!

Refreshed Purpose
How about for our spiritual walk with the Lord? Have you ever felt the need to renew your passion for the Lord? Have you ever felt you lost the old pull and fever for the Lord? All of us get there from time to time – identification that we must REFOCUS. 

This is also what salvation is all about – before Jesus saves you the purpose in your life is to live for self gratification, glorification, and satisfaction…after Jesus all this is transformed…
Have you been transformed by Christ? 

Re-energized purpose
Your intuition can be wrong – 100% wrong.  “There’s a way that seems right unto man but the ends are not the ways of God.”  I have people come in all the time saying, “I had this dream for this business and it fell flat.  What happened?”  Did you really get the dream from God?  “I asked Him to bless it…” 
To set a goal and ask God to bless it is different than saying “God, what’s Your goal?  What’s Your goal for my life?”  So instead of praying, “God, bless what I’m doing,” pray “Lord, help me to do what You’re blessing.”  God hasn’t promised to bless whatever you do. 
The question you want to ask is, “What is God’s will?” 

Starts with Surrender! Moves to availability!

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