Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Inspire Life Transformation

We exist to ignite passion for God, inspire life, and invest life because Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6)

 What does this look like?

Inspire Life Transformation

·         Bible study through small groups

o   Small Group Bible study is the means through which our lives our transformed by Jesus
o   Followers of Jesus are grown in groups not in isolation
§  We need encouragement
§  We need accountability
§  We need challenge
§  We need care and compassion
o   SG can be accomplished through the use of two strategies traditional Sunday school and Home Groups
§  Traditional Sunday School is an effective tool to connect, care, and cover biblical material – the drawback is that time is limited and real life issues are limited in discussion
§  Traditional Sunday School is effective because we have become comfortable with how to use this ministry in an age graded approach to Bible study
§  Home Groups is an effective tool toward real long lasting spiritual transformation for connecting with relaxed environment (living rooms), digging into real life issues for a biblical perspective, and the freedom of time and availability of days of the week  
§  Home Groups is effective as a bridge to the un-churched who may more readily attend a Bible study in the home of a friend or neighbor before they will come to church – it also offers the opportunity for a serious in depth questioning and examination of Christianity by the un-churched
§  Both strategies need to have qualified teachers/facilitators, leadership/support, and communication with the Leadership of the church concerning all aspects of the Class/HG

·         Mentoring Relationships

o   MR are valuable in encouraging followers of Jesus in a one on one setting
o   MR offers the opportunity to question, challenge, wrestle, and discover key aspects of the practical ways to implement Christianity in our lives.
o   MR needs a seasoned Follower of Jesus to be available to a less seasoned Follower
o   MR offers a way to grow in Jesus through personal guided relationship
o   MR is a great strategy of growth that is flexible depending on the personal schedule of the partnership

·         Meaningful Fellowship

o   Followers of Jesus need fellowship that stems from friendships
o   Fellowship is more than meeting and eating together – it is a purposeful way for followers to discover natural friendship in the church
o   Fellowship will stem from TSS and HG as a natural outgrowth of people walking together through triumphs, tragedies, and even the humdrum of life. Through every season of life we need fellowship of other followers to encourage, challenge, and love us.

John 13: 34-35 - A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Lives will not change without sincerity – fake never made a transformation – we desire to make more than an impact we are called for transformation. 

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