does this look like?
Invest Life
The key to INVEST is SERVICE
Serving the church body through encouragement,
care, and compassion.
John 13:1b – “Having
loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his
Starts with an attitude of service
A maturing follower of Jesus must express his
gifts through serving in the church.
Each follower has a spiritual gift that is
given in order to build up other followers
We must discover our spiritual gift combined
with our personality and personal life experiences and then make these
available to Jesus for his use in the church
Each follower is to experience the joy of
using their gifts in the church – we become alive to the things of Jesus
through the expression of our gifts to others.
Serving the community through projects, bridge
events, volunteering, and involvement
Investing a life means we recognize that we
are to make a difference in our local community for Jesus.
Invest in projects that will improve the local
community – volunteer time to mentor children in public schools; serve meals in
a shelter; visit the elderly in a care facility; the list of opportunities is
Invest in bridge events that invite and
encourage the un-church to try out Jesus – public concerts; hosting walk up
movie-nights; community block parties; and VBS for children; again the list of
opportunities is only as short as our imaginations
Serving the world through mission projects,
trips, and gifts
Investing in mission causes around the world
through financial gifts; participating in national and international mission
trips (Building improvement projects, VBS in a struggling area, sports camps,
minister in an orphanage, prayer walking and scripture distribution, etc.)
Investing in church planting – the goal of our
ministry is to plant daughter churches with the same passion and vision for
Jesus. We need new churches to be born in order to reach people for Jesus that
may not come to an existing church or ministry.
Ignite – Inspire – Invest
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