Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It’s just not fair

Psalm 112.10(b)

Do you remember Wile E. Coyote? He first appeared in the comic world September 16, 1949 in the short Fast and Furry-ous as the villain to the hero Roadrunner. The Coyote is the concoction of animator Chuck Jones.

What you may not know is that Jones based the Coyote on a description in Mark Twain's Roughing It (1872). Twain describes the coyote as "a long, slim, sick and sorry-looking skeleton" that is "a living, breathing allegory of Want. He is always hungry".

A self proclaimed genius Wile Ethelbert Coyote persisted to capture the Roadrunner for a feast par excellence. Amazingly his plans always fell short. No matter how crafty or high tech he set out to be there was always failure in the end. Psalm 112.11 (b) describes the Coyote “…the desires of the wicked will come to nothing.”

It sure seems that in our times the opposite of the cartoon world is in effect. The “Coyote’s” of the world appear to pull off their schemes and plans unchecked; leaving many of us to question the inequities of life.

It would appear that the righteous remain in their personal struggle. Some are seeking hard after a definition of blessedness. It appears that the wicked get away with it all. They seem to go through this journey unscathed.

The journey is not over yet my friend. Blessedness is not defined by the toys of life but by the real joys of life. And joy is only found through a personal relationship with Jesus. Last time I checked joy is not dependent upon what is happening around us or even to us it is based on what is happening in us and who is in us.

The wicked come up empty at the end of the journey. Good reason to live for Jesus regardless the circumstances. How do you define blessed?

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

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