Thursday, April 30, 2009

God Moments

Psalm 150.6

I call them God moments. Time during worship when you know that God is stepping into the room is this moment. There is potential of life altering power. When you experience a God moment you never forget it.

We now stand at just such a moment for the worshipper. The 150th Psalm is that moment in history. God is here. Charles Spurgeon, when looking at this Psalm, wrote, “It rises high into the clear azure, and its brow is bathed in the sunlight of eternal world of worship. It is a rapture.”

The Psalms begin with God blessing man and end with man blessing God. We have our instructions for authentic worship; 149 instructions to be exact. Now we get caught up in who God is and we shout – Hallelujah! The sounds of the music start getting louder. The choir opens their mouths and tears roll down their faces. The scene is bliss because the King of Kings is here.

“Let everything that breathes praise the Lord. Hallelujah!”

Last time I checked everything means…EVERYTHING. What a moment in history. His-story. Paul describes it this way, “Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” John gives us the scene in Revelation 5.13 “I heard every creature in heaven, on earth, under the earth, on the sea, and everything in them say: Blessing and honor and glory and dominion to the One seated on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!”

Avoid the rush – Praise Him now! Have your very own God moment.

Always Enthusiastic,

Dr. Rusty Newman

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