Monday, April 27, 2009

Wait for it

Psalm 27.14

Okay here’s a confession. Sometimes in a restaurant I use an assumed name. You caught me - guilty of trying to be someone else. Truth is my assumed name may speak volumes into a character flaw, or maybe it’s not a flaw just a reality of human personality.

Arriving at the friendly desk with the chirpy girl receptionist peeking at me with a plastic smile asking, “How many in your party?” Well let’s just say something goes off inside. You know the usual routine. Is the wait long? And it’s always the same answer 15 minutes.

Then the transaction is completed – may have your name please? I simply cannot help myself. You see I cannot stand to wait. Maybe you can…and maybe you’ll lie about other things as well. Face it we are not wired to wait are we? So I share my name. The name of my alter ego – “Willet B. Long

The eatery is not the only place we hate to wait is it? There are critical times in our life when we are faced with life. Circumstances move out of our neat little plans and all of a sudden the pressure to do something, anything arises. We hear the mantra ringing in our ears, “Don’t just stand there do something!”

Many times however with our spiritual journey the Lord is whispering out to us, “Don’t just do something stand there, child.” In other words wait on me.

Wait on the Lord! The Bible is full of examples of people (wired like us) who both did and did not wait. Amazingly the ones who waited came out blessed. Huh, a lesson for all of us?

But we stand before our Lord and use an assumed name, “Lord it’s me again. It’s Willet. Lord Willet B. Long?”

David sang, “Wait for the Lord; be courageous (that’s what’s required to wait on the Lord) and let your heart be strong (that’s what happens when the Lord sees us waiting). Wait for Jehovah.”

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Willet B. Long…opps Rusty

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