Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I Doubt That!

Psalm 95

One of the things I love about kids is that they can tell a story. Oh the imagination of unbridled creativity. And let me tell you I’ve heard some whoppers. Let’s see now there was a huge three headed monster in the closet. On one occasion there was a sudden drive by haircut incident. This one our daughter after she had given her self bangs – oh the tears that day, and that was just my wife crying.

Recently, there is a dispute about the size of a lizard that attacked my girls inside my truck. It really is hard to believe that a creature that large – let’s say 7-9 inches long really jumped on their legs from the dashboard. But if they say so! I just think it was the insurance Gecko discerning if we had enough coverage.

While stories and tales can grow with time, there is a consistency about the story from the Lord. His promises are true and reliable. These promises are not like the promises we offer. Our promises come with conditions because we have not the power to control all circumstances.

However, Jehovah’s promises are sure, reliable, and always true. We can give quick assent to this and yet when faced with trials or challenges many times we run quickly to doubt. Doubt rises in us even when we have seen, hear, and known the power of God.

Do you ever doubt that God will answer your prayers? How about doubt that He can? But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord (James 1:6-7).

Doubt can get you in trouble. Look what it did for Israel - "Do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion, As [in] the day of trial in the wilderness, When your fathers tested Me; They tried Me, though they saw My work. For forty years I was grieved with [that] generation, And said, 'It [is] a people who go astray in their hearts, And they do not know My ways.' (95.8-10). Here’s the point, whenever you doubt God’s ability, availability, and actions biblically speaking you have tried God.

Father, the heart gets hard when it fails to believe that you can do. Forgive us of these hardened moments. Open our hearts today, create a soft place in there that is only available to you; that is completely open to you. In our days of Massah may we believe you more than our circumstances. You are always faithful in every promise. Amen.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

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