Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Mystery of the Missing Security

2 Timothy 4: 6-7 As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. The time of my death is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. …Paul is ready & able to go. World “Paul is a failure & at lowest point.” Heaven – “Paul is successful, faithful, & warrior. Paul – “I have security & certainness”  
2 Timothy 1:12
For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.

Categories of people:
·         Some people know but don’t believe (not saved and need to trust Jesus)
·         Some people know what they believe and have confidence (Complete in Christ)
·         Some people know what they believe and lack confidence (they don’t know whom they believe) (Saved but not enjoying salvation)
Many have good theology and could pass a test in the knowledge category – but fail in confidence.
So it is possible to know “what” and still be fearful and insecure. (Knowledge alone fails to provide the intimate personal security that is missing in our lives today.)

Here’s the difference:
·         Knowing what – concerns the saving death of Christ – the cross, blood, forgiveness, & home in heaven is the past & future tense of our Salvation.
·         Knowing Whom – based on an intimate personal relationship with the Living Christ – the saving Life of Christ – our present tense of Salvation.

2 Timothy 1:12 points to solving the Mystery of the Missing Security – He keeps what I commit
·         Jesus guarantees to keep what I commit. This means Jesus promises to assume the responsibility for that area of my life that I commit to him. I need not worry any longer about that area of my life.
·         If I do not commit the area to Jesus, I choose to hold the responsibility.

Consider now “AREA 3”
Life consists of three areas – Past, Future, and Present. The mystery of security comes out in these areas.  

Past: 1st you respond to the Gospel:
You have committed the whole question of our past to Jesus. How? Admitted your need, your weakness (inability to handle the situation – sin & shame, guilt); committed to Christ by faith at Cross – He assumed responsibility. We have (can have) complete security – with sin & shame – that it is covered by the blood.  IF not – you can now! You can ask the Lord Jesus to take your sin and cleans you, forgive you, and right you. He still will do this because you are loved by him. Ask him and see for yourself.

Future: 2nd your response to the Gospel:
Jesus guarantees our future – John 14:1-3 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions;  if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
The heritage of every true believer – home in heaven; Now, I don’t lose sleep wondering if I will get into heaven. Jesus keeps his promises and I know he has made a place for me.

But, you do lose sleep don’t you? The mystery of the missing security (for many) is not in the past or future – but today, tomorrow, next week – There is fear, tension, and worry in your life.
You may be thinking,  “I’ve given these problems today to Jesus and nothing happened!” You unpack your sack, like show and tell, put them on display – let Jesus look them over – then pack them up, pick them up, and plod on with a weight of worry.  

It doesn’t have to be this way! You know this!
HOW? Basically follow same pattern with past & future
·         There was nothing I could do over my sin – I couldn’t help Jesus die on the cross – It had to be Jesus ONLY!
·         I could not (can’t) help Jesus prepare a place in heaven. It has to be Jesus ONLY!

Present: Respond for your Today to the Gospel:
Learning to take our problems & leave them:
·         Own it! Admit you are stumped, admit not ashamed – “Lord Jesus, I cannot, but Lord you can!”
·         Here’s the Plan: He will take it & assume the responsibility for your situation 
·         Here’s the promise: The doubts, fears, worries over the problems will return!
o   Expect these to return
o   Prepare for the return
o   Act on the return – remind yourself (and the Lord) that it is now committed to HIM ONLY! If the doubt returns 100 times, then 100 times quiet, calm assuring pray thanking HIM that all you committed to his care is kept by him.
There is the INITIAL act of committing followed by the CONTINUAL act of committal
Committal is the act of burial.

I remember a story of a man who pulling into his drive way spotted with horror that his dog had his neighbor’s prized pet rabbit now dead in its mouth. The dog must have somehow taken the rabbit from the cage and shook it to death. He panicked!  
Grabbing the rabbit from the dog he took it inside the house. Thinking of sparing his friend and himself embarrassment he hatched a plan. Taking the dead dirty rabbit to the sink he carefully washed the hopper clean. He took the rabbit and dried it with a hair dryer. (Get it? A HARE dryer!) Then sneaking into his neighbor’s yard he carefully with great stealth placed the rabbit back in the cage.
The following weekend while outside his neighbor called him to the fence and shared the strangest and saddest of stories. He shared the tragic news that his rabbit had died in its cage. The guilt ridden man did his best acting job and shared compassion at the loss of a wonderful pet. The neighbor said, “But the strangest and sickest part is that someone dug the rabbit up, cleaned it and put it back into the cage!”
We do that with our problems. We give them to Jesus and then go dig them up and put them in the cage again.

“God’s plan is so simple in its design, so logical in its outworking, so positive in its success.” John Hunter

Do you really know what you believe? (Hope is then your Eternal Security)
Do you really know whom you believe? (Hope of present peace, present power, present security)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Find the Missing Key

Romans 5:20-21 Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

God says you're lovable. This is so important because you can't fulfill God's commandment to "love your neighbor as yourself" until you believe this. If you don't feel lovable, you can't love anybody else.  (Lev. 19:18; Matthew 5:43; Matthew 19:19; Matthew 22:39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27; Romans 13:9, Galatians 5:14; James 2:8)

God loves you consistently -- He doesn't love you one day and not the next. He doesn't love you on your good days and not on your bad days. God is 100% consistent in his love for you.

Grace has a PlanProverbs 3:34b …gives grace to the humble.  
Romans 3:24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,
John 1:17 For the law was given through Moses, [but] grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
Galatians 2:20-21  "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the [life] which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. "I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness [comes] through the law, then Christ died in vain."

Grace has a place 2 Corinthians 1:12 For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God, and more abundantly toward you.
Romans 11:6 And if by grace, then [it is] no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if [it is] of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work.

God loves you unconditionally -- He says, "I will always love you and it is unconditional. You don't earn it." He doesn't say, "I love you if you're good, or if you do these things, or because you look this way or you do these things."
Grace is personal   1 Corinthians 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God [which was] with me.
Romans 5:20-21 Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

“God rejoices. Not because the problems of the world have been solved, not because all human pain and suffering have come to an end, not because thousands of people have been converted and are now praising him for his goodness. No, God rejoices because one of his children who was lost has been found.” Henri Nouwen

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; [it is] the gift of God,

You never have to wake up in the morning and say, "God, are you going to love me today? Did I read my Bible enough? Did I pray enough?" He loves you consistently no matter who you are or what you do.

What is the result when you really understand this? Daniel 10:19 says "God loves you, so don't let anything worry you or frighten you." When I don't have to worry or be afraid of anything, then I am free to give love to everyone around me.
{Modern parable of Jesus found in the Boston Globe June 1990 (from Philip Yancey What’s so amazing about Grace) a lady and her fiancé that booked a downtown Hyatt hotel for their wedding banquet – cost of $13,000. They had to put ½ down payment – printed announcements – the day the announcements to be mailed the groom got cold feet – “I’m not so sure…” the angry former fiancé went to the Hyatt to cancel and discovered the payment was non-refundable…so she decided that she would instead throw a party. She changed the menu to include “Boneless chicken” in honor of the groom! And invited those who would not be welcome anywhere…homeless shelters and rescue missions received invitations to the formal dinner.  Bag ladies, vagrants, and addicts took a night off from hard times and celebrated}
We too have an invitation to dine with Jesus everyday…

Radical Reformers - notes

Thomas Müntzer

He believed and taught of the "living word of God" (i.e., continued revelation and prophecy), the banning of infant baptism, and that the wine and bread of the Eucharist were only emblems of Jesus Christ's sacrifice.

Andreas Karlstadt

 On Christmas Day 1521, he performed the first reformed communion service. He did not elevate the elements of communion, wore secular clothing during the service, and purged all references to sacrifice from the traditional mass. He shouted rather than whispered the words of institution ("This is my body....", etc.) in German instead of Latin, rejected confession as a prerequisite for communion, and let the communicants take both bread and wine on their own during the Communion.

Conrad Grebel

His time as an Anabaptist was only about a year and a half, Conrad Grebel's impact earned him the title "the Father of Anabaptists".  Grebel performed the first known adult baptism associated with the Reformation, and was referred to as the "ringleader" of the Anabaptists in Zürich.
In his prime he was struck down by the plague in Europe.

Felix Manz

On 7 March 1526, the Zürich council had passed an edict that made adult re-baptism punishable by drowning. On 5 January 1527, Manz became the first casualty of the edict, and the first Swiss Anabaptist to be martyred at the hands of other Protestants.
At 3:00 p.m., as he was led from the Wellenburg to a boat, he praised God and preached to the people. A Reformed minister went along, seeking to silence him, and hoping to give him an opportunity to recant. Manz's brother and mother encouraged him to stand firm and suffer for Jesus' sake. He was taken by boat onto the River Limmat. His hands were bound and pulled behind his knees and a pole was placed between them. He was executed by drowning in Lake Zürich on the Limmat. His alleged last words were, "Into thy hands, O God, I commend my spirit." His property was confiscated by government of Zürich, and he was buried in the St. Jakobs cemetery.

George Blaurock

George Blaurock worked closely with Felix Manz until Manz was martyred in Zürich on January 5, 1527. On that same day, Blaurock was severely beaten and permanently expelled from Zürich. He kept moving, laboring at Bern, Biel, the Grisons, and Appenzell. After his arrest and 4th banishment in April 1527, Blaurock left Switzerland never to return.
In 1529 he became the pastor of the church in Adige Valley, after their former pastor, Michael Kürschner, was burned at the stake. Blaurock conducted a very successful ministry in Tyrol. Many believers were baptized and churches founded. In August he and Hans Langegger were arrested by Innsbruck authorities. While in captivity they were tortured for information. On September 6, 1529, Blaurock and Langegger were burned at the stake near Klausen.

Snap Shot of Baptist History

I hope you enjoy my teaching notes from Wednesday night Bible Study - 
Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit… Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added [to them]. Acts 2: 38, 41

On January 21, 1525 gathering at Felix Manz home near Zurich, George Blaurock asked Conrad Grebel to baptize him with the true Christian baptism upon his faith and knowledge. After his baptism Blaurock proceeded to baptize the other dozen men. With this baptism the earliest Swiss Brethren was begun. This was the most radical act of the reformation...for the first time in the Reformation, a group of Christians dared to form a church after the pattern of the New Testament.

Rewind a few years!
1517 (same year Martin Luther pinned the 95 thesis) a German speaking priest wrestling with the new Greek text- Ulrich Zwingli.
Called to Zurich as the people’s priest of Grossmunster, he resolved to preach nothing but the gospel. By 1522 the reformation in Zurich was growing fast.
November 1521 Zwingli formed a small group of young men into a study of humanities and language. Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, Simon Stumpf...

The October Disputation 1523
Young former disciples of Zwingli opposed him concerning the matter of the Mass and Lord's Supper. City council determined the mass, use of images, and LS. (Stumpf was banned from Zurich in Dec.)
Grebel believed Zwingli had abandoned his position of no compromise where the Word of God has spoken. Specifically Zwingli compromised in the area of the Mass and the use of the Lord’s Supper. “The authority of the Word of God had been sacrificed on the altar of human expediency.” (Estep, 13) This complete break with Zwingli by his young critics marked the beginning of the free church movement.

Failing to win the Zurich reformers to their position, the radicals began to meet quietly in homes in 1524. The Manz home was a particular favorite of the young group to meet. They studied the scriptures, heard expositions from Manz and Hottinger, wrote letters to other reformers like Luther, Muntzer (German pastor – authority of Scripture, against infant baptism, and correction of Lord’s Supper), Karlstadt, and others, and distributed tracts.  

That year Wilhelm Reublin-pastor at Wytikon - seems to be first among Swiss Brethren to preach against infant baptism. That year three fathers withheld their children from baptism. Because of this Reublin was put in prison and in August was forced to leave Zurich. Many of the other reformers including Zwingli expressed doubts about the validity of infant baptism. The Swiss brethren, however, took this concern from opposing infant baptism to the practice of believer’s baptism. For the Anabaptist the authority of the New Testament was the highest form to submit under.

The final question to completely sever ties between the radicals and Zwingli was infant baptism.  A public debate was held on January 17, 1525. Zwingli argued against Grebel, Manz and George Blaurock. The city council decided in favor of Zwingli and infant baptism, ordered the Grebel group to cease their activities, and ordered that any unbaptized infants must be submitted for baptism within 8 days. Failure to comply with the council's order would result in exile from the canton. Grebel had an infant daughter, Issabella, who had not been baptized, and he resolutely stood his ground. He did not intend for her to be baptized.

The group met together for counsel on January 21 in the home of Felix Manz. This meeting was illegal according to the new decision of the council. George Blaurock asked Grebel to baptize him upon a confession of faith. Afterward, Blaurock baptized the others who were present. As a group they pledged to hold the faith of the New Testament and live as fellow disciples separated from the world. They left the little gathering full of zeal to encourage all men to follow their example.