Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Dangerous? You Honestly Think God is Dangerous?

Recently I made a statement in a message that our Savior is Dangerous. That in fact, I've discovered in following Jesus that He is dangerous, puts me in danger, and places me on a path that danger is a real possibility. I have to admit to you this is not a comfortable thing to say or even think.

Too many of Christians think of God in ways that the Scripture never demonstrates or describes. As a theologian, teacher, and preacher it disturbs me to hear people describe Jehovah God in terms that they found in pop culture, pop psychology, and prosperity gospel. I have to admit it disturbs me more when I hear it come from my lips.

So, I've begun to wrestle with the uncomfortable truths that rise out of a theology of suffering. A theology that allows me to acknowledge that I do not have power, but He does. A truth that allows me to struggle with grief knowing that He does not. And a place that creates a reality that He may indeed place me in dangerous place to do dangerous things so that His kingdom may be advanced through my availability to Him.

Since these are just words in a blog I am not trying to prove anything to anyone through an exhaustive Scripture reference. I do consider the Psalms a good place for one to begin to encounter these thoughts. Consider the words of David (a dangerous man in his own right) in the 23rd Psalm. "Even When I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me." David knows the dangers of the darkest valley. He has learned the protection and comfort that has been provided to him in the danger. By the way keep reading and you will find tables prepared and heads anointed, and even the unfailing love of God following hard after this servant who walked through the dangerous valley. 

Maybe you have not encountered the dangers of the valley yet. Or maybe you have but you're ashamed to acknowledge you've danced with that danger and thought you some how had slipped from His protection. So I tell you my friend wrestle with the dangerous, be willing to embrace the pathway of the valley. Because it is there you will find our Jehovah God - Loving, Leading, Protecting, and Providing! 

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