Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Put me on Trial

Psalm 26.2

If you were put on trial for being a Christ-follower would there be enough evidence to convict you?

“Put me on trial, Lord, and cross-examine me. Test my motives and my heart.” (Psalm 26.2 NLT) Sit on the witness stand. Prepare for the cross examination of a lifetime, eternity. Consider now your actions and attitudes.

Now, that you are on the stand, who do you wish to judge you? David in the 26th pleaded with the Father to be his judge. He knew something of the way man judges. You see man cannot see the heart, the intention, or even the final outcome. No man looks at the short side of things. Man has a way of taking a poll and determining the questions of right and wrong based from popular opinion not the Word of God.

The majority is not always right in this world. In fact, many times they are dead wrong because their plan is to do what’s right in their own eyes. Man has an agenda and judges from that standpoint. Man’s agenda is pride and selfishness.

Now when God is the Judge we have a different matter altogether. God also comes at this from his vantage point. But his perspective is perfect. His pathway is not one of variances and popular opinion. Last time I checked our God does not take polls or even consider the bent of culture.

No, God’s agenda never changes. His agenda is His love and righteousness. And since we cannot arrive at his righteousness on our own His love has provided for us a pathway. This way is a path to righteousness through the love of Jesus Christ his son.

So Judge me Lord, not according to the standards, whims, and ways of humanity. Judge me Lord according to your righteous standard. Yes, I know this is higher, challenging, and difficult. But, Lord, I would rather trust your standards that have not changed than my own kind. May I be found in you – yes, Lord – May I be found in you righteous and pleasing through my faith. May there be more than enough evidence to convict me of being your man – a true Christ-follower.

Always Enthusiastic,

Dr. Rusty Newman

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