Monday, May 18, 2009

Trouble with bullies

Psalm 18

Bullies come in all shapes and sizes. Today we can easily refer to them as terrorist. They play on your emotions and get in your head. And even when they are not nearby they can rob you even of restful moments.

The enemy is the ultimate bully. He plays on your fears; introduces moments of doubt into your life; and can even attack you. James 4:7 gives us a solution to the bully situation. He says we must “resist the devil…” in other words stand up to the bully. From the days of Barney Fife this has always been the answer but it is never easy; even if you are decorated and dedicated lawman like “iron blood” Fife. You can stand up; but only when we follow the pattern in the entire verse, listen to it all. “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

The key of resistance is submission. Why do we know this works? Because we know who our God is completely. The psalmist, in a time of terrible terrorist torment, submitted to the Almighty. “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliver, my God, my mountain where I seek refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation.” (18.2)

We can resist because we can submit to Jehovah who personifies seven strengths. He is the Foundation; a stable place to stand. He is the Fortress; our security for the onslaught. He is my Freedom; our source of refuge in times of trouble. He is the Forever-One; our sovereign God. He is the Formation; our strength in high defenses. He is the Force-Field; our shield of protection that extinguishes all the flaming darts of the enemy. He is our Future; our sure salvation is secured in Jesus.

Bullies don’t stand a chance against our God!

Always Enthusiastic (always running to Him),
Dr. Rusty Newman

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