Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fill ‘er Up!

Psalm 23.5

Thirsty and tired you stumble into the encampment. Unsure of your welcome by the nomadic assembly of shepherds but you are exhausted. To your surprise you are warmly greeted and quickly taken into the shade of a waiting tent. The first sense of refreshment has now become apparent to you. At least you are out of the heat.

In the middle of the desert the most precious thing is not silver or gold but H20. Carefully each sip is measured and rationed for the preservation of the community. But now you are in need. So the glass is brought to you.

One of the amazing things in the culture you’ve stumbled into is the sense of hospitality and service for one in need. Every time you take a sip from the cup, no matter how much you drink, immediately your cup is filled to the brim again. Amazing how generosity can feel to one in need.

There is still a custom today among these Jewish herdsmen that expresses the heart of grace. The cup is placed on the ground in front of the guest. Then the water pitcher is brought to fill the cup. The water is carefully poured to the brim and then increase to gently flowing over the top down the sides and allowed to pool at the base of the glass. The image signifies that your host is prepared to give you all the resources he has in order to meet your need. While under the protection of your host you will know no lack at all.

Through the blood of Jesus our savior you have been brought near. Through his sacrifice you who were far off have been allowed to come into the tent of the Almighty. He has brought you in and sits you down and …“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.”

It’s all yours through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

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