Thursday, July 30, 2009


Psalm 60.3

We do not have a theology of suffering today. In fact, many in the church today have a haughty attitude toward anyone that remotely experiences hardships. We’ve more and more begun to sound like Job’s accusatory friends than hold to the biblical picture of suffering.

The Psalmist is direct with the Father in identifying that Israel is undergoing struggle. Amazingly, he notices that this is the will of God, since God is the one who has caused it. “You {Jehovah} have made Your people suffer hardship; you have given us wine to drink that made us stagger.”

Woven into the fabric of following the Lord is suffering. Suffering is not something we would volunteer for or even pursue. However, suffering is ordained by God as a pathway to righteousness and many times an indicator of His presence in our life.

There are four basic reasons we experience suffering. Quickly, let’s consider these and see if they do not hold true in our Christian experience.

1. Sin and selfishness: this is the tragedy of self induced suffering because of unconfessed sin in our lives. Suffering comes as a sign of discipline.

2. Satanic attack: this is the temptations and enemy tactics attempting to cause us to derail our pursuit of the Father’s plan for our lives.

3. Strengthening: this is trials introduced into our lives by God and for God’s purposes of increasing our faith and fellowship with Him. (Interesting to note: when Satan tempts you it is for you to fail; but when God places trials on you it is for you to FAITH).

4. Stretching: this is testing and examination of spiritual principles we have learned and are now called into application in our lives.

Now, if you have read this far I have to admit that no amount of suffering is pleasant. I want you to take courage. Your suffering is producing in you purification for holiness. In hardships you need to stuff your ears with cotton so as not to listen to the naysayers. You must get into the Word of God and grow. Dig into the gold of the pure word of God and come out with His promises.

Be of good courage and count it all joy when you suffer, especially suffering for righteousness sake. You can survive. You will make it through stronger on the other side.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

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