Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Land of the Between

Psalm 27.7-9

I’ve just received a phone call from an appliance repair shop. They are coming to fix a problem with an appliance they installed. A problem they created. Did you get that? A problem they caused.

Here’s the deal. With no appointment, no concern for my schedule, no thought about what I am doing the receptionist informed me (the customer) that I had to be at the house to let them (the serviceman) in right now. When I asked about why there was no appointment made with me I was informed that they (the store) do not make appointments with the customers. I get a warning call!

Trials are along those lines too. They give you no appointment. You do not get a friendly reminder on your calendar that notifies you that in three weeks you will have a flat tire on the interstate.

On days like this the Bible gives us a recipe, wait patiently. This recipe goes against our nature. But it fits wonderfully into the divine nature that Christ provides to his children. It is the balance between this world and the next.

That is where we live by the way. We live in the land of the between. We experience the things of this world knowing that with Christ as our Savior we have the experience of heaven awaiting us. It is the message Habakkuk received from the Father while he was protesting that God was not doing anything about the troubles of this world. The Lord simply reminded him that he needed to wait. (Habakkuk 2.3).

Oh man! Wait? It is so difficult but necessary living in the land between. You may be in-between today. It is okay, you can now activate the power of God while you wait. Look at these powerful words and apply them to your time in-between. “REST in the LORD, and WAIT PATIENTLY for Him; do not FRET because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. CEASE FROM ANGER, and forsake wrath; DO NOT FRET – it only causes harm. For evildoers shall be cut off; but those who WAIT for the Lord they shall inherit the earth.” Psalm 37.7-9 (emphasis mine).

Always Enthusiastic – Always Between,
Dr. Rusty Newman

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