Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We can rebuild

Psalm 30.2

When I was a boy a favorite TV show of mine began somewhere in the opening credits with this phrase, “We can rebuild him. We will make better than he was before.” Then for the next few seconds we would be reminded how they made the 6 million dollar man. What a show!

In so many ways that really does describe the carnage of life. We get shattered, bruised, broken. Sometimes we cannot recognize the life we have. But before you despair let me mention the work of our Lord. He is the healer, the great physicians, the rebuilder of all things.

Psalm 30:2 gives us a marvelous promise in testimony. “O Lord my God, I cried out to you and you healed me.” For just a minute consider the weight of that word healed. It is the Hebrew word “rophe”. This word is given to us in one of the compound names of our God – Jehovah Rophe (Exodus 15).

This one little word tells us volumes about the heart of our God. He not only wants to heal you, he can heal you. Rophe has three basic meanings for us. It means to restore – now I love this image biblically because it is the picture of having what was broken, stolen, or lost returned in better shape than before. When you became a Christ-follower he supernaturally restored to you that which was broken, stolen, and lost – your ability to be at one with the Father.

Rophe also means to heal. Exactly, it means to heal one of the infirmities, illness, and even bitterness of life. This is not only physical healing. This is also emotional healing. The Lord cares about our emotional health as much as he does our spiritual. There are scars and wounds in us that people cannot see, but our Lord has the power to heal us even there.

The last of the three meanings is powerful to me. Rophe means to cure. For a long time I could not see the difference between heal and cure. Then one day it hit me. Healing is what we need in the now and cure is what we need for eternity. Cure is when some ailment does not return – ever! The Father is not content to only restore to you what was lost. He also has healing for you. But this is not enough for him to be satisfied. His complete and perfect work is to cure you.

Are you rebuilt yet? Me neither – but as a work in progress I can confess that in my day of trouble I cried out to Jehovah Rophe and he healed me.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Bottle for Your Tears

Psalm 56.8

Imagine that every time you shed a tear in fear, worry, despair, and concern that you would collect them in a bottle. You probably have no such container of terror, but you do carry the wounds don’t you? Scars from battles waged and struggles into seemingly insurmountable odds.

What if I told you that even though you do not collect your tears that our Father has them? Supernaturally, mystically if you will, He has a collection of every terrified tear that ran down your cheek. You did not know that He cared that much for you did you?

David faced the opportunity of sudden ruin and death at the hands of his father-in-law Saul or the potential of complete humiliation, scorn, and slow tortured disembowelment from Achish the Gathite. Now this is the definition of a rock and hard place. (You can read all about this in 1 Samuel 21-22). Amazingly David knew he had a better option available to him.

You must understand that we always have another option open. Oh, it may look like things are grim; we may even experience horrific things upon this earth that no one would choose to endure. However, we can do as David did and cry out to the Lord in faith. You may not know how the Father will come through but have faith he will.

How do I know He will come through? David wrote, “You number my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in Your book? When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back; this I know, because God is for me…In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (8-9, 11).

So go ahead cry – He will catch the tears. Sob and He will record them. But whatever you do please remember to believe that He can – and He will.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

Monday, June 22, 2009

Let’s just Praise the Lord

Psalm 22

Here is my declaration to start this week: I am tired of being tired. I am sick of being sick. I even have decided that troubles will not trouble me.

Oh, don’t get me wrong – I am tired. But I am not going to let that get in the way anymore. I am not sick, in fact, “I’m feeling much better!” And, well, you cannot live ten minutes in this world and not have troubles. Do you ever get tired of being tired and down on being down?

I have come to the conclusion that many times we miss out on what the Lord wants to do because we get distracted by our problems. We can spend so much time in the “woe is me” section that we miss the “what a mighty God” point in our lives.

Psalm 22 is one of those wonderful famous Psalms that picture for us the horrors of the cross of Calvary and our Savior Jesus dying for us. Every word drips with pathos and passion from the One who had never known a moment out of the presence of the Holy One and now is despised and rejected.

Just like in the pain of the cross we find hope, peace, and promise we stumble across the answer in verse 3. The answer my friend is not blowing in the wind. No the answer is found in the Hallelujah. “But You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel.”

Sometimes you have to stop crying and praise Him. Sometime you have to stop trying harder and praise Him. Sometime you have to look above yourself and your situation and praise Him. The answer is found in praise.

Praise Him and you will not miss Him.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

Friday, June 19, 2009

I need fuel

Psalm 19:12

My son was almost completely out of gas for his jeep. It is so low that he feared even driving it to the fuel station. “Dad, I have to have gas to make this thing go!”

I disagreed with him completely. He, in fact, does not need fuel to make it go. With his physical abilities he could push it!

I know what you are thinking – come on dad he will not get very far that way. Actually, this mode of transporting that jeep would be dangerous because he could not control the direction of the vehicle with safety. And now that we’ve had this little chat I believe you’ve convinced me. He does need the fuel.

What fuels your life? Have you thought about that lately? What is it that makes you go? A lot of people would say their heart. I have come to the conclusion that if your heart is what drives your life you are dangerously out of control and will not get very far.

Our hearts were never designed to fuel us. The heart, or center of emotion as we consider it in biblical thought, has the capacity to fool us not fuel us. David wrote, “How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults.”

You see what David discovered is that at his core he cannot trust himself. This confession is a repentance of who he is as a son of Adam. The flesh is always lurking just ready to pounce suspecting or unsuspecting.

This is why we must be filled with the Spirit of God. He alone restores the image and nature of God to you. He alone can direct you, drive you…FUEL you!

You need fuel to make the jeep go – and you need the Spirit to make you go!

Oh, Father, there is no way we can know all the sins sneaking around our hearts. Clean us up Lord of these hidden secret faults of our human nature. Now, please fill us fresh with your Spirit so we may be fueled for the life of Christ. Amen.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bullies and Battles

Psalm 18.18

Bullies come in all shapes, sizes, and even sexes. They happen to have a common playbook. I guess you could call it “bullies 101”. They use intimidation, fear, lies, subtle innuendos, and sometimes physical force.

They have this way of knowing the right moment to strike. It is kind of internal radar that signals when you are facing multiple challenges. And BOOM they strike. It has always been this way. It may always be this way.

David dealt with his bullies and battles. In fact, he never really shed the Benjaminites. This was the tribe of Saul’s family (the first king of Israel) and they never got over David’s anointing or success as King. They were pesky, relentless, and always lingering nearby.

Like the bullies of our day they were looking for one wrong move, one missed word, one out-take of life to pounce. Here’s how David described it, “They confronted me in the day of my calamity…” in other words they hit me when I was down.

Now you may have to deal with bullies from time to time. We all do. I want you to remember something powerful – The bullies are yours but the battle is the Lord’s. David testified that when he was down and the bullies fired their rockets of complaints and criticism the Lord proved to be mighty.

Listen to the whole verse and now take comfort – “They confronted me in the day of my calamity, But the LORD was my support.”

Bullies are going to hit you when you’re faced with multiple challenges. Take heart, have faith, believe the Lord – the battle belongs to him. Let him fight on your behalf.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

Monday, June 15, 2009


Psalm 45

Overflow, what a great word. Just think for a minute of all the things that can mean. Let’s ponder for a minute and see if we cannot produce a smile.

Overflow bowl of homemade ice cream from Bluebell. Overflow cup of lemonade. Overflow plate of bar-b-que and stew. Overflow room in church full because the worship center is packed (every preacher smiled on that one). Overflow heart that is rushing over the edge with wonderful thoughts of Jesus.

Overflow is a wonderful expression for passionate worship of the Lord. The sons of Korah came to a place of overflow in their service of the Lord. Almost in a tremendous moment of exuberance, like they could not help themselves, they took up pen to compose a shout to the Lord.

“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” (45:1). They could not help themselves but praise His name. They could not help themselves but to dream of the glorious wedding day when King and Bride will be united. In the words of the old spiritual I love – Oh Happy Day!

Allow your heart to get full today. Do not fight back the thoughts, emotions, and dreams of your Lord. Go ahead Overflow with praise to the one who is “…fairer than the sons of men…the Mighty One with…glory and majesty – your throne, o God, is forever and ever!” (3-6)

Oh happy day (oh happy day)
Oh happy day (oh happy day)
When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed)
When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed)
When my Jesus washed (when Jesus washed)
He washed my sins away

He taught me how (oh, He taught me how)
To wash (to wash, to wash)
Fight and pray (to fight and pray)
Fight and pray
And he taught me how to live rejoicing
yes, He did (and live rejoicing)
Oh yeah, every, every day (every, every day)
(oh yeah) Every day!

Always Enthusiastic,

Dr. Rusty Newman

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Are we picking teams?

Psalms 70.5

If you were in charge of picking teams for a great contest of strength who would you look to first? Most of us honestly would look to the folks who are trim, fit, and even muscular. You know the ones who look the part.

Amazingly, the Father is in the selection business. However, he has a different category of contestant that he is attracted to. He looks not for the strong, self-confident, and fit. No he seems to be attracted to the ones who are weak, poor, and even needy.

Now I don’t know about you but this doesn’t seem like that great of a dream team. But to the Father it is the perfect mixture of non-talent. He is drawn to those who need him. And last time I checked, regardless of your physical structure, we all need him. The difference is some of us come to realize this fact and call upon his name.

Lord, thank you for being drawn to us when we are poor, needy, and helpless. I am so grateful that your team is mighty because of your strength and not ours. I am so glad that when we are down you are up. When we are out you are in. When we resign you never quit!

“But I am poor and needy; make haste to me, O God! You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, do not delay.”

Always Enthusiastic,

Dr. Rusty Newman

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

He doesn’t forget

Psalm 9:12

We’ve joked in my house how bad our memories are from time to time. Events, incidents, jokes, and even sometime people, unfortunately, slip from our memory. Recently I was in a conversation with some old friends and they recalled events that took place over 20 years ago like it was yesterday. I was amazed and even remarked that I did not remember these things and insisted that I must not have been there. But apparently I drove the car and there is still photographic evidence.

Amazingly, however, there are times in our past that we would like to forget. Hurts and struggles could go as far as I am concerned, but they stick around. Painful decisions and encounters have a way of reminding us of what we have done and always at the least opportune moments.

There must be something to it when we cannot remember the good but refuse to let go of the bad. Let me remind you that in the rough moments of life you are not forgotten. No, the One who needs to know knows. The One who can help heal the hurt and restore the ruin He is aware.

The Psalmist in a day of victory over his enemies remembered that the Lord remembers his people; especially when we cry out in humility before him. That humble cry comes from one who has come to realize that they can do nothing about their situation but God can do everything. So cry out we do. And He hears us. He avenges. He declares war upon the enemy. He is the victor.

There are a lot of things to forget, but let’s not forget how to make the humble cry.

…He does not forget the cry of the humble.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Soul Thirst

Psalm 63

If you ever taste you will never be the same. If you ever dare to drink deep of the love of God you will discover a joy so rapturous no other will satisfy. “…My soul thirst for You…” (63:3)

People who have only heard about the Lord do not understand why you get so filled with excitement over the prospect of worshipping in His presence. Oh if they could take a glance into His wonderful nature they might know. If they could by faith have their sins washed away by His wonderful provision of the blood they would know. If they could bask in the light of His love they would too be filled with wonderment.

Now don’t be like those who have seen into the fellowship and long for the trappings of the mortal world and wander away. Keep your soul at full thirst. The way to stay thirsty for the Father is to drink in His presence every day.

It is not in striving harder after God that you find Him. It is in believing by faith that He is yours and you are His. Drink deep of His love right now. Let him know how marvelous it is to be His child.

Oh Father, create a thirst in our souls for you and you alone. Then satisfy our thirst with your presence for only your presence can satisfy. As we are satisfied with you cause us to desire a deeper drink of your inexhaustible love. Amen.

Always Enthusiastic,

Dr. Rusty Newman

Monday, June 1, 2009

Wide Awake

Psalm 121.3

As I sit a write these short lines to you I can hardly keep my eyes open. It is Monday and since that follows Sunday they tend to be a little difficult in the tired department. Tuesday is my day – just about recovered from Monday…anyway I ramble, on with the idea.

When tiredness sits into our bodies we usually are not our best. Our minds clutter up and mine chases thoughts over hill and dell. We may not even make the best decisions when we are tired. I used to hear that you never wanted to buy a car that was made on a Monday for this very reason.

Your enemy knows that you are not on your “A-game” when you are tired. That may be why you face some series of temptations on those days. I think he delights in hitting you when you are down, tired, and out of it.

Here again is another place that we can pause and praise our Lord. The psalmist reminds us that the Lord is not sleepy, not even the least bit drowsy. “He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber not sleep.” (3-4)

The Lord never has a weak moment. He is never tired. He never has a bad day. I am so glad that in the middle of my waking sleep walk I can have confidence in Him. I may be struggling – He never struggles. I may be sleepy and in need of taking care of every step – He is never asleep and ever watchful of the place in which my feet need to go.

Bless you Almighty for you never have a moment of weakness. I am safe in your arms and secure in your plans for you are not asleep. I can rest because you need no rest. Amen.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman