Tuesday, June 9, 2009

He doesn’t forget

Psalm 9:12

We’ve joked in my house how bad our memories are from time to time. Events, incidents, jokes, and even sometime people, unfortunately, slip from our memory. Recently I was in a conversation with some old friends and they recalled events that took place over 20 years ago like it was yesterday. I was amazed and even remarked that I did not remember these things and insisted that I must not have been there. But apparently I drove the car and there is still photographic evidence.

Amazingly, however, there are times in our past that we would like to forget. Hurts and struggles could go as far as I am concerned, but they stick around. Painful decisions and encounters have a way of reminding us of what we have done and always at the least opportune moments.

There must be something to it when we cannot remember the good but refuse to let go of the bad. Let me remind you that in the rough moments of life you are not forgotten. No, the One who needs to know knows. The One who can help heal the hurt and restore the ruin He is aware.

The Psalmist in a day of victory over his enemies remembered that the Lord remembers his people; especially when we cry out in humility before him. That humble cry comes from one who has come to realize that they can do nothing about their situation but God can do everything. So cry out we do. And He hears us. He avenges. He declares war upon the enemy. He is the victor.

There are a lot of things to forget, but let’s not forget how to make the humble cry.

…He does not forget the cry of the humble.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

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