Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Soul Thirst

Psalm 63

If you ever taste you will never be the same. If you ever dare to drink deep of the love of God you will discover a joy so rapturous no other will satisfy. “…My soul thirst for You…” (63:3)

People who have only heard about the Lord do not understand why you get so filled with excitement over the prospect of worshipping in His presence. Oh if they could take a glance into His wonderful nature they might know. If they could by faith have their sins washed away by His wonderful provision of the blood they would know. If they could bask in the light of His love they would too be filled with wonderment.

Now don’t be like those who have seen into the fellowship and long for the trappings of the mortal world and wander away. Keep your soul at full thirst. The way to stay thirsty for the Father is to drink in His presence every day.

It is not in striving harder after God that you find Him. It is in believing by faith that He is yours and you are His. Drink deep of His love right now. Let him know how marvelous it is to be His child.

Oh Father, create a thirst in our souls for you and you alone. Then satisfy our thirst with your presence for only your presence can satisfy. As we are satisfied with you cause us to desire a deeper drink of your inexhaustible love. Amen.

Always Enthusiastic,

Dr. Rusty Newman

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