Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bullies and Battles

Psalm 18.18

Bullies come in all shapes, sizes, and even sexes. They happen to have a common playbook. I guess you could call it “bullies 101”. They use intimidation, fear, lies, subtle innuendos, and sometimes physical force.

They have this way of knowing the right moment to strike. It is kind of internal radar that signals when you are facing multiple challenges. And BOOM they strike. It has always been this way. It may always be this way.

David dealt with his bullies and battles. In fact, he never really shed the Benjaminites. This was the tribe of Saul’s family (the first king of Israel) and they never got over David’s anointing or success as King. They were pesky, relentless, and always lingering nearby.

Like the bullies of our day they were looking for one wrong move, one missed word, one out-take of life to pounce. Here’s how David described it, “They confronted me in the day of my calamity…” in other words they hit me when I was down.

Now you may have to deal with bullies from time to time. We all do. I want you to remember something powerful – The bullies are yours but the battle is the Lord’s. David testified that when he was down and the bullies fired their rockets of complaints and criticism the Lord proved to be mighty.

Listen to the whole verse and now take comfort – “They confronted me in the day of my calamity, But the LORD was my support.”

Bullies are going to hit you when you’re faced with multiple challenges. Take heart, have faith, believe the Lord – the battle belongs to him. Let him fight on your behalf.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

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