Monday, June 22, 2009

Let’s just Praise the Lord

Psalm 22

Here is my declaration to start this week: I am tired of being tired. I am sick of being sick. I even have decided that troubles will not trouble me.

Oh, don’t get me wrong – I am tired. But I am not going to let that get in the way anymore. I am not sick, in fact, “I’m feeling much better!” And, well, you cannot live ten minutes in this world and not have troubles. Do you ever get tired of being tired and down on being down?

I have come to the conclusion that many times we miss out on what the Lord wants to do because we get distracted by our problems. We can spend so much time in the “woe is me” section that we miss the “what a mighty God” point in our lives.

Psalm 22 is one of those wonderful famous Psalms that picture for us the horrors of the cross of Calvary and our Savior Jesus dying for us. Every word drips with pathos and passion from the One who had never known a moment out of the presence of the Holy One and now is despised and rejected.

Just like in the pain of the cross we find hope, peace, and promise we stumble across the answer in verse 3. The answer my friend is not blowing in the wind. No the answer is found in the Hallelujah. “But You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel.”

Sometimes you have to stop crying and praise Him. Sometime you have to stop trying harder and praise Him. Sometime you have to look above yourself and your situation and praise Him. The answer is found in praise.

Praise Him and you will not miss Him.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

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