Monday, June 1, 2009

Wide Awake

Psalm 121.3

As I sit a write these short lines to you I can hardly keep my eyes open. It is Monday and since that follows Sunday they tend to be a little difficult in the tired department. Tuesday is my day – just about recovered from Monday…anyway I ramble, on with the idea.

When tiredness sits into our bodies we usually are not our best. Our minds clutter up and mine chases thoughts over hill and dell. We may not even make the best decisions when we are tired. I used to hear that you never wanted to buy a car that was made on a Monday for this very reason.

Your enemy knows that you are not on your “A-game” when you are tired. That may be why you face some series of temptations on those days. I think he delights in hitting you when you are down, tired, and out of it.

Here again is another place that we can pause and praise our Lord. The psalmist reminds us that the Lord is not sleepy, not even the least bit drowsy. “He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber not sleep.” (3-4)

The Lord never has a weak moment. He is never tired. He never has a bad day. I am so glad that in the middle of my waking sleep walk I can have confidence in Him. I may be struggling – He never struggles. I may be sleepy and in need of taking care of every step – He is never asleep and ever watchful of the place in which my feet need to go.

Bless you Almighty for you never have a moment of weakness. I am safe in your arms and secure in your plans for you are not asleep. I can rest because you need no rest. Amen.

Always Enthusiastic,
Dr. Rusty Newman

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